I'm here. I've been here about a month already. Everything goes well except...
- I've got a speeding ticket, indicating 20mph over the limit (25mph). The fine is $200, and the point is 4. I made a court appointment to reduce the fine. Will it work If I insist that the measurement error of the device would be larger than 1mph, so I possibly exceeded the speed limit only 19mph? Or is it wise just begging the judge's generous for a new comer? Anyhow, the court date will be 10/9.
- I failed the written test for driver's license. Why didn't I prepare it!! How can I know about all details about a stupid GDL program in NJ? I know, it's all my fault. I need to wait till coming Monday to get NJ lisence.
- My paper (with Shantanu) is accepted today. (Wired thing is that the referee didn't give any comments about this decision although the referee spent with this paper about 50 days after my second resubmission.) It's good, in any cases, but it's quite nervous that I should introduce it in astro coffee in front of many "critic" astronomers.
- I've got a cold on Tuseday. NyQuil/DayQuil helped to get it away soon, but I felt drowsy. I'm not sure that this arises from those pills, though (I felt drowsy when I had DayQuils, too). Anyway, I might not be able to finish the draft by this weekend, the time I said to Eve.
Princeton, a mecca of astophysics (Prof. Woong said, not me!), is full of opportunity to meet (and, if you are active enough, get close with) big names. Furthermore, IAS, where the mood is a lot more academic (in other words, isolated), doubles up this chance! (This semester, Joe Silk, Paul Schechter, Adam Riess are going to give a talk in IAS colloquium. WOW!) It's really lucky to have an exprience in a leading community of my field. Sould be aware of it.